Lost Quotes

Alaska Industrial Hemp Council
Hemp: Past and Present

George Washington (1794) "Make the most of the hemp seed and sow it

John Adams (1783) "We shall....want a world of hemp more for our own
personal consumption."

Thomas Jefferson (1791) "Hemp is of first necessity....to the wealth and
protection of the country."

Alexander Hamilton (1791) "Hemp is an article of importance enough to
warrant the employment of extraordinary means in its favor."

Harry Anslinger (1937) "They can go ahead and raise hemp just as they
have always done it." (Federal Bureau of Narcotics Director. Testimony
from Marijuana Tax Act.)

Sen. Guy Gillette (1944) "There are interests that do not want their
markets usurped by the type of hemp industry that we have been trying to

Sen. Robert LaFollette (1945) "...if you read those (hearings from the
1937 Marijuana Tax Act)...the Senate committee was very much concerned to
be certain that in enacting this drastic piece of legislation they weren't
putting the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in a position to wipe out this
legitimate hemp industry."

Philip Perry (1995) Special Agent DEA. "The Colorado Hemp Production
Act is...no more than a shallow ruse being advanced by those who seek to
legalize marijuana."

Mari Kane (1995) Publisher Hemp World. "The whole marijuana
controversy is merely a shallow ruse to keep industrial hemp prohibited."

Lloyd Casey (1996) Colorado State Senator. "Does it take a World War
to make hemp legal?"

Alaska Industrial Hemp Council, P.O. Box 56, Chugiak, Alaska 99567 (907)