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Still at Termessos...

I warned you about more theaters. Termessos theater had the best location of any, on top of a huge ridge with a commanding view of the valley. It was also typically Termessos, in that we had to scramble over some interesting rubble to gain entrance.

Our final Termessos shot shows one of our favorite spots, the necropolis. There were dozens of these sarcophogi sitting helter-skelter, badly overgrown and altogether fascinating. We climbed around here feeling a little foolishly Indiana Jonesish but enjoying every minute.

Before we move on to Cirali, here are some shots of Antalya, all taken within a mile of our Hotel:

We were crazy about Antalya for a lot of reasons. It was warm and sunny all the time, always a big plus. The ruins were great. We liked the hotel. Basically, we liked just about everything.

On our second night in Antalya we returned to the kind lady that had escorted us to the hotel, and had a great dinner at her restaurant, one of many excellent meals we enjoyed in Turkey.

Another piece of Turkey trivia: In Italy we drank wine with every dinner. It was the thing to do, obviously no great hardship, and cheap. But for some reason, beer was expensive in Italy. In Turkey, the reverse is true. Turks like their beer and brew Efes, an excellent lager. Throughout our travels, we developed a habit of picking up a couple of cold Efes after a hot day in the ruins and enjoying them back at our hotel before heading out for dinner.

Incidentally, there was a great resident dog at the Hotel Urcu, a boxer. We spoiled him. Turks love their pets and commonly keep them around, even in restaurants. We ate with lots of dogs, cats, chickens and even turtles. Goats weren't out of the question but we didn't stay in the right places!
