Cambodia and Thailand - October, 2005                     Asia Trip Home Page  
About our guide, Mr. Two
Two was a very interesting guy.  Very bright, we established from his comments that he had some college.  He was low key, very helpful, and carried a VERY BIG KNIFE that he used, among other things, to harvest some bamboo shoots that we later had for dinner.  He also did a pretty fair job of explaining the rice harvesting cycle, problems faced by the hill tribes, etc. and patiently answering whatever inane question we decided to ask him.  We think the big knife and harvesting native food is pretty unremarkable as when Sarah and Jon trekked out of Chiang Mai three years earlier it was part of their experience (different guide).  

So what was remarkable?  Well, the guy could cook.  For both dinners he cooked in a huge wok over an open fire, adding ingredients and seasoning judiciously and creating some culinary delights.  And then there was the first night when he pulled out his guitar and started to sing everything from the Beatles to Neil Young, reading the music and English lyrics out of his handwritten 20 year old songbook, by candle light no less.   This impromptu concert, and that's what it was since none of his five hapless charges could sing a note, went on for at least an hour, and it was memorable.  Picture yourself hanging around under a hill tribe house (they're built on pilings), listening to your Thai guide croon away to the music you grew up to.

Mr. Two is an exceptional guide.                             Back