--------------- Forwarded Message ---------------

From: Steve Kubby, INTERNET:kubby@alpworld.com
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996, 1:22 PM


Many people played a key role in the success of Prop. 215, but one man
deserves special recognition: George Zimmer. When I asked George to get
involved, he assembled a world class team of advisors to consider the
matter. We met secretly at Paharo Dunes, near Monterey Bay.

The situation was bleak. Dennis Peron had, depending on who you believe,
only assembled 30,000 to 50,000 signatures and was out of money. In fact,
Dennis had already privately decided to pull the plug and was in deep
anguish over the damage that his failed initiative would do to the cause.
We figured we had to bring in an average of 100,000 signatures EACH week to
qualify. Every advisor told us that it would be better to wait until '98.

However, George is a risk taker and despite the negative advice, he decided
to move forward. With the able assistance of Ethan Nadelman, George was
able to get matching funds from George Soros and Peter Lewis, giving us a
total of $500,000 to launch a professional campaign. The rest is history.

It hasn't been easy for George. He's worked hard to bring in other
contributors, while many grass roots organizers were critical that he
should have done more. Some people even felt left out. Moreover, stock in
The Mens Wearhouse went down after news accounts of his participation.
George, even found himself under surveilance by the narcs. The bottom
line though is that we are going to win and George, more than anyone else,
deserves credit for our success.

George supported us because he felt it was the right thing to do, not
because he wanted any credit. However, now that the campaign is over, I
can finally tell you just how critical his courage, vision and financial
support has been for us. I urge you to call, or fax George to let him know
what our victory will mean for you or someone you know who is ill and will
benefit from medical marijuana. Please don't ask for money or help with
your project--George has a full schedule until January--making up for
ground lost during the campaign.

Phone 800 777-8580 (wait to the end of the recording for George's
personal voice mail)
FAX: 510 6579821

Below is the official statement issued by George regarding his decision to
support Prop. 215:


President, CEO, The Men's Wearhouse

I am pleased to announce that I have taken an active role in
supporting Californians for Medical Rights (CMR), which is
running the campaign to pass Proposition 215, this year's ballot
initiative to permit medical use of marijuana. I look forward to
this important initiative's passage in November.

Like most people, I had heard over the years about the fact that
marijuana is used for medical purposes. Later, it became
personal. My mother was diagnosed with cancer just over ten
years ago. Doctors began a regimen of chemotherapy shortly
thereafter, but the treatment would leave my mother severely
nauseous, lethargic, and in even more pain than she had been
before that day's treatment had begun. We pleaded with
doctors to control her nausea and pain, but the drugs they tried
had little or no effect.

It wasn't long before someone suggested that she try smoking a
bit of marijuana. Other chemotherapy patients had used it with
real benefit, we were told, and she should give it a try.

But my mother refused to try marijuana. It was illegal, she said,
and she would not break the law. I told her I thought the law
was wrong in this case, and, anyway, it was her comfort and her
treatment that we were so worried about.

She never changed her position. Despite the pleadings of many
around her, my mother died continuing with the treatments that
made her feel so terrible, without trying this illegal drug that
could have helped her.

We will never know for sure whether marijuana would have
helped her enough to sustain her treatment and bring about
recovery. But we can be sure that no seriously ill Californian is
ever put in that impossible position again. By passing
Proposition 215, the Medical Marijuana Initiative, voters can
ensure that the general illegality of marijuana does not apply to
patients who need to use it under medical supervision. It's only
common sense.

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