Planta Medica, 53 (3) June 1987. "Identification of a New Chemotype in
Cannabis sativa: Cannabigerol-Dominant Plants, Biogenetic and Agronomic
Prospects." G. Fournier, et al pp. 277-280. Researchers at the
University of Paris and the Le Mans Hemp Institute discovered a hemp
variety practically devoid of THC... 0.001%. It is also CBG dominant,
unique. This discovery represents a useful understanding as well as
potential agronomic development for this plant.

Indian Journal of Textile Research, "Study of Surface Characteristics of
Hemp Fibres Using Scanning Electron Microscopy." M. Rahman, & M.H.
Sayed-Esfahani, Vol. 4, Sept. 1979, pp. 115-120. The main surface
characteristics of hemp fibres subjected to different chemical treatments
have been elucidated using scanning electron microscopy. The surface
characteristics are improved...with depectinization treatments.

Bedrijfsontwikkeling, Vol. 13 (9) Oct. 1982, pp. 851-2, p.856. W. F. du
Bois. (Dutch) Illustrated. "Hemp as raw material for the paper industry."

Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Agricultural Wastes,
1985, pp. 338-345. Kempa, E.S., Bartoszewski, K. "Biological treatment
of flax and hempen wastewater." How waste water from hemp and flax
processing is treated in Poland.

Progress in Biotechnology, "Application of Enzymes in Flax and Hemp
Technology," Vol. 4, 1988, pp. 483-491, Safarik, P., (A. Blazej, & J.
Zemek, editors.) PIO Centroprojekt, Gottwaldov, Czechoslovakia.
Pectolytic enzymes can shorten the dipping time for water retting hemp and
markedly increase the fiber quality. This new closed system does not
contribute waste water to streams. In fact the waste water is used to
create phytoplankton and zooplankton and fed to fish.

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultatis Medicae, Vol. 122,
1989, L. Hanus, D. Subova, pp.11-23. "The Amount of Main Cannabinoid
Substances in Hemp, Cultivated for Industrial Fibre Production and Their
Changes in the Course of One Vegetation Period." (English) Seasonal
changes in cannabinoid content of Czechoslovak hemp variety Rastislavice
grown industrially for fiber.

Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 1990, Vol. 41, Zuskin, E., et al, pp. 285-296.
"Respiratory Symptoms and Ventilatory Capacity in Hemp workers."
(Croatian) This study from Zagreb, Croatia, indicates the problems
encountered by industrial hemp workers.

First European Conference on Industrial Uses of Agricultural Crops,
Maastricht, Netherlands, Nov. 1991. "Characterisation and Processing of
Annual Crops (especially hemp) for Pulp and Paper." Marie-Jose de Smet,
Agrotechnical Research Institute, ATO-DLO, Wageningen, Netherlands. Hemp
shows promise as paper because it can be used with clean methods that
overcome the serious environmental problems created by wood pulp and can
use energy efficient processes.

Pulp & Paper, July 1993, pp. 41-2. "Hemp Variations as Pulp Source
Researched in the Netherlands." Meijer. As a relatively
low-input crop that can be grown at a wide range of latitudes, hemp seems
very suitable for mass production of nonwood cellulose. The main factors
which block the development of hemp as a pulp source are not botanical or
agricultural, but industrial and political considerations.

Euphytica 62: "Characterisation of Cannabis accessions with regard to
cannabinoid content in relation to other plant characters," E.P.M. de
Meijer, H.J. van der Kamp and F.A. van Euwijk, 1992, pp. 187-200. Centre
for Plant Breeding and Reproduction Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Ninety seven Cannabis accessions were evaluated. The relationship between
chemical and other plant characters was very limited. A selection program
will require direct analysis of cannabinoids.

Euphytica 62: "The CPRO Cannabis germplasm collection," E.P.M. de Meijer
& L.J.M van Soest, 1992, pp.201-211. The National Hemp Program
investigates the feasibility of hemp as a raw material for paper pulp
production. This requires a breeding program that seeks to improve yield,
quality and disease resistance.

Report of a visit to the All-Union Scientific and Research Institute of
Bast Crops, Gluckhov, Ukraine. Hennink, de Meijer & van der Werf, 5-14
July, 1991, Unpublished, CPRO-DLO, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Topics
covered: Soviet hemp varieties, screening and evalution methods, genetic
research, breeding program, agronomy, harvest technology, pulp & paper

Fibre Hemp in France, "Report of a visit to the Federation National des
Producteurs de Chanvre at Le Mans." H.M.G. van der Werf, 30-31 July, 1992,
Centre for Agrobiological Research, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
(Unpublished) Topics covered include breeding, area of hemp cultivation,
rotation, soil requirements and fertilization, harvesting, processing,
prices, marketing and prospects for the future.

Journal of the Internation Hemp Association, Vol. 1 No. 1, June 1994,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Topics covered include Cannabis germplasm
collection in Russia, Hemp and soil pathogens, paper pulp technology in the
Netherlands and the Ukraine, UK hemp project, hemp in Tasmania, hemp vs.
poplar in the Ukraine.

Crop Physiology of Fibre Hemp, 1994, Hayo van der Werf, Wageningen, The
Netherlands. 152 p. Topics include: constraints to dry matter
production, quality of hemp stems as a raw material for paper, the effect
of temperature on leaf appearance and canopy establishment, effect of
daylength on yield and fiber quality, plant density and self thinning
effect on yield and quality of fiber, nitrogen fertilization effect on
yield, sex expression and size variability. The potential of fibre hemp.

Diversity in Cannabis, 1994, Etienne de Meijer, Wageningen, The
Netherlands. 140 p. Topics include: The CPRO Cannabis germplasm
collection, variation of Cannabis for stem elongation and stem production,
current methods to estimate pulp yield of hemp, variation of Cannabis stem
quality for paper pulp, Cannabinoid content of fiber varieties, resistance
to soil pathogens, bast fiber percentage and total fiber yield.

Pulp & Paper International, Oct 1994, "Hemp: Papermakers should take it
with a pinch of salt." Manfred Judt, pp.32-3. Hemp may be useful in the
field of specialty papers, but will face strong competition from wood pulp
and other plant fibers.

Pulp & Paper International, Nov. 1994, "Back to the future for a profitable
new industry." Susan Riddlestone, p. 50, 53. Local production for local
needs based on flax and hemp--is decentralization the green way forward for
the paper industry? Small scale pulping for local needs uses less energy
and is environmentally sound.