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What should we do about Social Security? Let me draw your attention to a new public policy blog, Vox Baby by Andrew Samwick. Samwick is an economics professor at Dartmouth, Director of the Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences, and served as Chief Economist on the President's Council of Economic Advisors. He specializes in Social Security issues, and has been posting on them freqently. He highlights a new book by Peter Diamond of MIT and Peter Orszag of the Brookings Institution, in "What Social Security Reform Should Democrats Propose?" . The links include summaries of the book. If taxes are going to be increased to make up the Social Security deficit, he'd like to see the additional money used for privatization: "How to Reform Social Security, Part I".
Confronted with that choice, I opt for personal accounts. For me, an immediate and permanent contribution of 3.5 percent of taxable payroll into personal accounts for all workers, in addition to the 12.4 percent payroll tax that they and their employers already pay, is preferable to the current system. The contributions are 3.5 percent because that is the amount that the Social Security actuaries say is required to restore solvency even if invested entirely in Treasury bonds..."
Failing to index the retirement age to life expectancy implies an increasing portion of adulthood spent collecting benefits. Policy makers could craft a sensible justification for raising these ages. Consider how much easier it is to explain why retirement ages have to increase than it is to make sense of, say, an effective switch from wage indexing to price indexing in the calculation of the benefits (the centerpiece of Commission Model 2)..." 10/27/2004
Arlington Stadium Update Greg Depkin, at Heavy Lifting has provided a helpful set of links to his posts on the Arlington stadium referendum: "Collected Stadium Posts". Arlington, Texas, has a referendum November 2 on whether or not to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars to finance a stadium in an effort to attract the Dallas Cowboys. This is likely to be a good deal for the Cowboys, but not for Arlington. The Cowboys are working hard to promote it. Depkin reports that:
The other day the Cheerleaders visited the UAW Local at the GM plant here in Arlington. During last nights Red Sox-Yankees game Coach Parcells was on a commercial warning the citizens of Arlington "not to fumble the ball, and vote yes." Overall, some pretty impressive spokespeople, and if that is all it takes, then the stadium initiative will pass." I'm teaching economics of public policy to public administration master's students this semester. I'm going to have them read "The Economics of Sports Facilities and Their Communities" by John Siegfried and Andrew Zimbalist (JEP 14(3): 95-114. Summer, 2000) and then follow that up with a selection of Greg's posts and of the economic studies he cites. I think it will be a good opportunity to highlight the issues involved, as well as the ways in which economic analysis is used and misused in public debate. I learned about Depkin's link collection from Skip Sauer at Sports Economist. The Sports Economist is another useful source for information on stadium economic studies and debates. "Dueling Studies on Arlington stadium" covers addresses the Cowboy stadium debate. "Caught Stealing" links to a Cato briefing paper on proposed subsidies for a D.C. baseball stadium. Arnold Kling and the four myths of Social Security Arnold Kling explains four myths about Social Security: "Four Myths About Social Security" . Social security is not a pension plan. Our problems are not a short term until the baby-boomer generation passes through the system. Medicare is not a bigger problem than Social Security. Kling also argues that the transitional costs associated with privatization are not a showstopper. Social Security is essentially run on a pay-as-you go basis. People working now make payments to support people who are retired. If you wanted to allow working people to set aside some of their contributions to fund private pensions for themselves with individual accounts (privatization), you'd have to find new money to use to continue paying the people who are already retired. As a practical matter, the government would have to borrow the money. This could be a lot of money and is a big argument against privatization. But Kling argues that these concerns are overblown.
If unfunded liabilities to make future Social Security payments were counted as debt, then partial privatization would be nothing but a debt swap. The government would increase ordinary debt and reduce unfunded-liability debt by an equal amount. The transition cost would be zero." Privatization financed by bonds may or may not be a good idea. However, the promises to make Social Security payments don't strike me as a financial obligation of the government. They are a policy commitment. This policy commitment has been changed in the past (program modifications in 1983 increased retirement ages). A modification in the commitment will have political ramifications, but the ramifications will be different from those involved in a unilateral decision by the government to modify the repayment schedule for its bonds. Originally, in 1935, Social Security was an almost fully funded pension program. This changed in 1939, and the program became a tool to transfer income from the current working generation to the retired generation. Roosevelt, however, insisted that the program retain many of the trappings of a pension program. Herman Leonard tells the story:
The administrative structure of the program reinforced the idea that social security was contributory insurance and not a handout. Participants had accounts identified by account numbers. They could - and many did - inquire about how much they "had" in those accounts. The social security program paid staff to keep account records even though actual benefits would be determined by earnings, not by contributions [The 1939 amendments had based social security payments on a recipient's past earnings, rather than on any contributions they had made to the program - Ben]. These visible manifestations were vital, as Roosevelt clearly understood. A management expert named Luther Gulick told Roosevelt in 1939 that the clerks adding up the sums in each participant's account were wasting their time and the government's money, to the tune of $1 million per year. Roosevelt observed, "Luther, your logic is correct, your facts are correct, but your conclusion's wrong. Now, I'll tell you why. That account is not useless. That account is not to determine how much should be paid out. That account is there so those sons of bitches up on the Hill can't ever abandon this system when I'm gone..." The Social Security anecdote is from pages 57 and 58 of Leonard's book, Checks Unbalanced. The Quiet Side of Public Spending. 10/26/2004
Peter Gallagher on Asian Attitudes on Trade Issues Our man in Manila reports on a conference on multilateral trade and the WTO Doha Round of trade negotiations: "Asian business views on WTO":
The conference ranged over almost the whole agenda of negotiations in WTO. The participants, because of their backgrounds, were well-informed and likely to influence national approaches to the negotiations. So their opinions provide a good barometer of Asian region opinion about the WTO system..."
How to drive down drug prices Malcolm Gladwell writes about high drug prices in the New Yorker: "High Prices. How to think about prescription drugs" . Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, thinks high prices are caused by drug company manipulation. Gladwell disagrees. First of all, not all prices are high:
NGO Incentives Sebastian Mallaby writes about non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Foreign Policy: "NGOs: Fighting Poverty, Hurting the Poor". The article is built around three entertaining case studies of NGO reactions to development projects; the most important is the story of how NGOs derailed a World Bank loan for a Chinese poverty project. Mallaby argues that some NGOs have incentives that cause their interests to diverge from those of those of the poor:
...In many of the world’s rich capitals, and especially in Washington, public policy is decided by a bewildering array of interest groups campaigning single-mindedly for narrow goals. A similar army of advocates pounds upon big international institutions like the bank, demanding they bend to particular concerns: no damage to indigenous peoples, no harm to rain forests, nothing that might threaten human rights, or Tibet, or democratic values. However noble many of the activists’ motives, and however flawed the big institutions’ record, this constant campaigning threatens to disable not just the World Bank but regional development banks and governmental aid organizations such as the U.S. Agency for International Development. If this takes place, the world may lose the potential for good that big organizations offer: to rise above the single-issue advocacy that small groups tend to pursue and to square off against humanity’s grandest problems in all their hideous complexity.
Mallaby is a Washington Post columnist, and author of a new biography of World Bank president James Wolfensohn (the article is taken from the biography). I posted on the biography a few days ago: "Who will be the next President of the World Bank". I learned about this from "Arts & Letters Daily". P.S. Oct 27: Mallaby tells a story about efforts by the International Rivers Network (IRN) to block a dam in Uganda. The IRN responds here: "IRN Response to Sebastian Mallaby’s Attacks on NGOs". Michael Stastny at Mahalanobis thought to track this down. His post is here: "NGOs: Fighting Poverty, Hurting the Poor ". 10/22/2004
Economists Lie Less (than sociologists) But we're not as honest as political scientists, reports Eric Rasmussen: "Are Economists Selfish? The Laband-Beil Association Dues Study". Thanks to Michael Stastny for the "heads up":"It's official: SOCIOLOGY is BAD for one's MORALS." More outsourcing of services to India Here's another example of the outsourcing of services overseas:
So he outsourced the job to India. Taking his cue from cost-cutting U.S. businesses, Staab last month flew about 7,500 miles to the Indian capital, where doctors at the Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre -- a sleek aluminum-colored building across the street from a bicycle-rickshaw stand -- replaced his balky heart valve with one harvested from a pig. Total bill: about $10,000, including round-trip airfare and a planned side trip to the Taj Mahal..." This sort of openness to the world economy strikes me as a good thing, in this instance, as well as in data processing and call centers. This also suggests that openness to world trade in services can play an important role in guaranteeing broad social access to increasingly costly health care. 10/20/2004
How to organize an Arctic, or Antarctic, expedition Jonathan Karpoff at the University of Washington has found that private 19th century Arctic and Antarctic exploration was more effective than public exploration. Even though government expeditions were larger and better funded, private expeditions were more productive, and at lower loss of life. Karpoff looked at the records of 92 public and private expeditions. Karpoff’s article, "Public versus Private Initiative in Arctic Exploration: The Effects of Incentives and Organizational Structure" was published in the Journal of Political Economy (JPE) in 2001 (109(11):38-78). You can find an early draft at Karpoff's web site: "Public versus Private Initiative in Arctic Explortion". Daniel Benjamin has a summary of Karpoff’s findings on the web site of the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC): Arctic Expeditions of the 19th Century. Karpoff compared public and private 19th Century Arctic exploration efforts, and found that the private sector did better: "...despite greater funding, public expeditions achieved fewer major Arctic prizes, suffered greater losses, and performed more poorly than private expeditions." (pg 63). Why was this the case? He outlines three reasons: "...compared to private expeditions, many public expeditions (i) had unmotivated and unprepared leaders, (ii) had poor leadership structures, and (iii) were slow to adapt to new information." (p 63). Ultimately he finds these grounded in incentive problems. Leader preparation and motivation: His review of the 92 private and public cases he collected indicated that the leaders of private expeditions were generally better motivated and prepared. With respect to motivation, private explorers generally wanted to be there. "Even relatively unprepared private leaders had strong desires for Arctic exploration.....Many leaders of government expeditions, in contrast, had little direct knowledge of, or interest in, Arctic exploration." (p 63) The leader of a British navy expedition in the 1870s "...went north not because of any particular interest in the job, but rather because he had been appointed and he sought promotion..." (p 63-64) Leadership structure: Leadership structure - specifically the division of responsibilities between the persons who started a project and those who carried it out - appears to have been important. Initiation and execution functions appear to have been combined much more often in private than public expeditions. "...the persons initiating and organizing public expeditions actually led them only 25.7 percent of the time. For private expeditions, in contrast, the percentage is 77.2 percent." (p 64) The impact on incentives: "Because they did not actually go on the trips, the organizers of public expeditions faced few of the negative consequences of poor planning or erroneous theories." (p 64). Karpoff places this next point under use of information, but maybe it belongs under leadership structure as well. He notes that, "Private expedition leaders appear to have adopted nonhierarchical organizations more frequently than public expedition leaders. Rae, Kennedy, Nansen, and Amundsen, for example, all solicited and used information from their crew, delegated some decision authority to their men, and participated in menial tasks. This is in contrast to the strict hierarchical structures maintained on many government expeditions..."(p 69). Adaptation and learning: Private expeditions, possibly because of the experience and motivation of the leadership and the non-hierarchical leadership structure, were quicker to make use of new information and new techniques than public expeditions. Private expeditions were quicker to make use of native clothing, snow houses, dog sleds, good dog sled design, small party size, scurvy reducing diets, and valuable geographic information. To take one issue, snow houses: "A skilled traveler, Rae claimed, could construct a snow house large enough for five men within one hour. The snow house could be used again on the return journey and was warmer than the canvas tents most explorers carried...All the expeditions in my sample that used snow houses extensively were privately organized and funded. The others relied on canvas tents and cloth sleeping bags, which would freeze stiff with condensed water vapor." (p 66) Karpoff links these various problems to the issue of incentives. "...many of the public expeditions' problems lay with the poorly aligned incentives of key decision makers. Expedition leaders were appointed by senior officials who were motivated by political objectives in addition to expedition success and did not suffer severe consequences for expedition failures. Many leaders themselves were motivated by the promise of promotion, which accompanied but did not require success as explorers....Poor incentives could affect not only an expedition's leadership but also its provisions and the selection of its crew. As a result, even skilled leaders were rendered ineffective by governmental control of important decisions... Conflicting incentives impeded the flow of information to expedition leaders. The official accounts of many British naval expeditions, for example, downplayed the incidence and risk of scurvy, partly as a means to safeguard public support for the expeditions." (p 69) 10/19/2004
The Interstate Wine Shipment Case Seven economists - three Nobel prize winners - have filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in the interstate wine shipment case. You can find it here: Economist's amicus brief. The brief includes an analysis of the economic foundations of state rules restricting imports of wine. Does the evidence suggest that these rules are meant to advance public welfare objectives or the economic objectives of powerful interest groups? The analysis is based on a paper by Gina Riekhof and Michael Sykuta, "Politics, Economics, and the Regulation of Direct Interstate Shipping in the Wine Industry" (CORI Working Paper 03-04, April 2004). The abstract for this paper reads in part:
The variegated state responses to California’s unilateral adoption of a reciprocity regime in 1986 suggest an obvious question: why did formerly homogenous state regulatory regimes generate such disparate responses? Riekhof’s and Sykuta’s sophisticated analysis directly addresses that question and finds “that economic interests play a significant role in determining a state’s adoption of direct shipment [regulations], but no evidence supporting a general public interest motivation.” Riekhof & Sykuta at 4. That finding is highly plausible even at an intuitive level: “If direct shipment prohibitions prior to 1986 were in place solely for public interest reasons, it would be difficult to explain why California’s decision to adopt reciprocity would have its intended effect of opening up access to no-shipment states.” Id. at 12. Unsurprisingly, the authors find that the size of a state’s wine industry (number of wineries relative to state wine consumption) is positively related to the adoption of reciprocity laws. Conversely, the size and concentration of the distributor industry are negatively correlated with the likelihood that reciprocity legislation will be enacted. Id. at 22. Riekhof & Sykuta found that public sector interests (such as tax collections) also affect state responses. In contrast, none of the authors’ proxies for public interest considerations appeared to have a significant effect on state policy responses. Id. These results are highly consistent with well-accepted general economic theories of regulation. They directly affect the present case: “To the extent that public welfare interests are required by courts to justify states’ restrictions on interstate commerce, our results cast a shadow of doubt on public interest arguments in the area of direct shipment of wine.” Revised Oct 20 You can use Google to search your own hard drive Kevin Brancato says you can use Google to search your own hard drive. Thanks to Lynne Kiesling for the Brancato reference. 10/18/2004
Red Sox win game 5 Down 3 games to zero in the series, including the horrific 19-8 loss on Saturday, the Red Sox came from behind yesterday and won in the 12 inning. Tonight they won 5-4 in the 14th inning. Who couldn't be hoping they'll win game 6 as well? Smithian sympathy In a favorable review of a new book on the National Geographic magazine, Explorers House: National Geographic and the World it Made by Robert Poole, an Economist reviewer tells the following story about the Grosvenors, the family whose members edited the magazine for many years:
A Bobby Kennedy anecdote Hugh Gallagher was disabled and confined to a wheelchair by polio. As an aide to Alaska Senator Bob Bartlett in the 1960s, he played an important role with Bartlett in the passage of the Architectural Barriers Act, an early piece of disability rights legislation which required improved access (ramps, curb cuts, etc.) to all buildings, "designed, built, altered, or leased with federal funds..." Gallagher died this past summer, and the current issue of New Mobility carries a memorial story about him written by his friend Lorenzo Milam. The story has this anecdote about NY Senator Robert Kennedy: